Mother of Good Counsel Parish

Embracing the Areas of Innisfail, Mourilyan, South Johnstone, Babinda Silkwood & El Arish

INNISFAIL, 90 Rankin Street

Weekend Masses : Vigil Saturday (6.30pm), Sunday (9.00am)

Contact us

Christ the King Church | Mourilyan

Weekend Mass

2nd & 4th Sunday of each Month at 7.00am

Our Lady of Fatima Church | El Arish

Weekend Mass 

Sunday 9.40am Reconciliation

Mass 10:00am

3rd Sunday Anointing during Mass

St John the Evangelist Church|Silkwood

Weekend Mass

5:30pm Reconciliation,

Vigil Mass 6:00pm

3rd Saturday Anointing during Mass

Saint Rita’s Church | South Johnstone

Weekend Mass

1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of each Month at 7.00am

Pastor’s Pen

I am often asked, “how is the bishop going?” and from my perspective, he seems to be happy in his new role, having relocated from a big Archdiocese in the south, with the responsibility for 190 Clergy and now adjusting to lead his own Diocese in the far north.

Since his Ordination on August 15th, he has hit the ‘ground running’; visiting Port Moresby for the Pope’s visit, then to Rome to join other newly ordained bishops for the ‘baby bishops’ course’. Once back He travelled overland with Fr Dariusz on ministry to Weipa, then followed a flight to Thursday Island and surrounds with Fr Laurie visiting parishioners.

In early November he flew to Sydney for the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and was pleased provision was made to have a break from meetings to run a Sweep and watch the running of the Melbourne Cup. He left last Thursday with Deacon Peter for ministry in the Gulf Savanah, planning to be away for 5 days with two overnights at Station Properties. That does not consider the many operational/formal meetings he has dealt with at the Bishop’s House.

Conscious of his commitments and his desire to get out into the country to meet his people, I plan to formalize visits in 2025.

Fr Kerry


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Mother of Good Counsel Parish Mass Times

Mother of Good Counsel – 90 Rankin Street, Innisfail.
Weekday Mass Times : Please see this weeks Parish Bulletin for the most current Mass times.
Weekend Masses : Vigil Saturday (6.30pm), Sunday (9.00am)
Italian Mass : 3rd Sunday of each month (11.00am) in Innisfail 
Christ the King Church – 10 Harbour Road, Mourilyan.
Mass Times : 2nd & 4th Sunday of each Month at 7.00am

St Rita’s Church – 5 Green Street, South Johnstone.
Mass Times : 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of each Month at 7.00am

Who We Are

Our Parish Pastoral Council

“The Parish Pastoral Council’s role is to:

Promote the Church’s mission to live and communicate the love and values of Christ in the world around us

Share in the responsibility for the ongoing life and  development of the parish community, working together with parishioners to provide support for their efforts to live as followers of Christ.”

Parish Priest - Fr Kerry Crowley

Parish Priest - Fr Kerry Crowley


Vicar Forane Southern Deanery
Episcopal Vicar for Clergy


Father Mathew

Father Mathew


Wayne Gattera

Wayne Gattera


Rosalee Lankinen

Rosalee Lankinen

Vice Chair

Jenny Jensen

Jenny Jensen


Cathy Barrett

Cathy Barrett

Parish Council Member

Liam Kenny

Liam Kenny

Parish Council Member

Mick Jeffery

Mick Jeffery

Parish Council Member

Penny Hempenstall

Penny Hempenstall

Parish Council Member

Rosali Alvero

Rosali Alvero

Parish Council Member

Patrick Cassar

Patrick Cassar

Parish Council Member

Angie Sheerans

Angie Sheerans

Parish Council Member

Yoanywe Diaz Rivera

Yoanywe Diaz Rivera

Parish Council Member

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Holy Bible, New International Version®