‘You put aside the commandment of God,’ warned Jesus, ‘to cling to human traditions.’ One of the sharpest lines in the Gospel, this is a watchword for every Christian generation.

‘In today’s passage,’ Pope Francis says, ‘Jesus addresses an important topic for all of us believers: the authenticity of our obedience to the Word of God, against any worldly contamination or legalistic formalism.’

As the Pope suggests, ‘those challenging him seek to strike at the reliability and authority of Jesus as Teacher.’ The religious leaders who questioned Jesus on technical points of ritual had deluded themselves about what was essential.

The Pope points out that ‘Jesus wants to rouse the scribes and Pharisees from the error they have fallen into.’ Christ’s sharp words are intended to turn people from ‘distorting God’s will, neglecting his commandments in order to observe human traditions.’

‘Today too,’ the Pope reminds us, ‘the Lord invites us to avoid the danger of giving more importance to form than to substance. He calls us to recognise, ever anew, what is the true core of the experience of faith, that is, love of God and love of neighbour.’

© Nick Brodie

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Mother of Good Counsel Parish

Embracing the areas of Innisfail, Mourilyan, South Johnstone & Babinda